Professor Ian Adcock

Professor Ian Adcock


Professor Ian Adcock FBPhS


Imperial College London

Year elected:


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Dr Adcock graduated in 1987 from the University of London with a PhD in Molecular Pharmacology investigating the role of steroid hormones on brain sexual dimorphism. After spells in Edinburgh and at St Georges’ Hospital in London he moved in 1990 to the National Heart and Lung Institute to work with Peter Barnes on the molecular mechanisms of glucocorticoid action. He was promoted to Professor at Imperial College London in 2004. Dr Adcock is currently Head of the EU/EFPIA IMI UBIOPRED initiative in systems medicine of severe asthma. Dr Adcock’s main research focus is on the regulation of the heightened inflammatory mechanisms underlying severe asthma and COPD and the pharmacology of glucocorticoids and 2-agonists in regulating this inflammation. Recent work has examined how epigenetic processes can modify inflammatory gene expression and glucocorticoid function in response to oxidative stress. Dr Adcock has published >450 papers (Google H-index = 113).